Regenerative Organic Agriculture Webinar

Thank you to Dr. AV Singh for presenting an impressive and informative webinar recently for The Organic Council of Ontario . We have had several requests for the presentation in its entirety. We will be providing key points over the next little while. Let us know what you think.

The Search For Novelty Soil Amendments

What makes good soil? Every grower knows its basic properties: apart from mechanical support of a plant, good soil stores nutrients, ensures air and water movement, and provides a home for beneficial microorganisms. Soil structure can be improved by adding organic or inorganic amendments. While the organic portion makes up only about three per cent of most natural soils, well-amended garden soil may contain 30 per cent or more organic matter. The most common organic amendments, such as compost and manure, have been around for ages. With increasing interest in organic products and sustainability in agriculture, the search for new ways of farming is on the rise. Organic additives, like fish compost, blood meal, biochar, kelp, and worm castings, have become increasingly popular, but have you ever heard of such an exotic substance as Black Soldier fly frass?

Organically Certified Squid Juice

Calamari is an extremely popular appetizer around the world, but have you ever wondered what happens to the leftover squid after the tastiest parts are collected for use as a deep-fried delicacy?
You might be surprised to discover that it is processed into a 2-2-2 liquid fertilizer concentrate and marketed under the name ‘Squid Juice’. Greenflow Canna Corp, based in St. Catharines, Ontario is the Canadian distributor.

Effectiveness of Squid Hydrolysate as a Home Lawn Fertilizer

American Society for Horticultural Science

"Consumer demand for cleaned squid generates a substantial amount of waste that must be properly disposed of, creating an economic burden on processors. A potential solution to this problem involves converting squid byproducts into an organic fertilizer, for which there is growing consumer demand."

Garden Culture Magazine - 'Squid Juice'

This 2-2-2 NPK liquid concentrate, known as 'Squid Juice,' is a sustainable all-purpose fertilizer made from Squid by-products after being fished for Calamari consumption. Seaborn repurposes the waste product and processes it using a low-heat hydrolysate method to create a 100% organic plant nutrient. 'Squid Juice' promotes crop and soil health, giving plants what they need to thrive. Proven results for any crop from trees, shrubs, fruits, vegetables, cannabis, and more.

The Green Room Podcast - Episode 84 - Sam Prantera

On location at Paradise Cannabis we have Sam Prantera, head of Sales & Marketing at Seaborn Organics. GreenFlow Canna is the exclusive marketer and distributor of Seaborn Organics 'Squid Juice'. From Sea to Soil, 'Squid Juice' is made from Squid by-product after being fished for Calamari consumption. 'Squid Juice' uses a low heat hydrolysate process to create an all-natural high nutrient lawn and garden supplement. This process allows us to make a superior natural plant food without any dangerous or damaging additives.

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All Green Podcast Ep.11- Interview with the Director of Sales and Marketing of Seaborn Organics: Sammy Prantera

The All Green Podcast

"Michael had the opportunity to sit down and interview the Head of Marketing and Sales at Seaborn Organics, Sammy Prantera. Greenflow is a multifaceted recreational market startup operating within three different pillars of business; cultivation, micro-licensing, and Seaborn Organics, their organic squid-based fertilizer brand. Sammy teaches us about the inspiration behind the squid-fertilizer, some really unique features about the product and some awesome partnerships and projects Seaborn is working on."

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